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Education Committee

Issue: #5 - August 2022
From our Committees


The PATA Education Committee
wishes Don Evans fair winds and following seas as he bids us farewell and
returns to his home in the mainland U.S. Thank you for your many years of service
to PATA-MIC and for your wonderful friendship!

We are happy to welcome to our committee, Dr. John Rivera, who will serve as the new PATA Education Committee Co-Chair. Dr. Rivera is a director, executive coach, consultant, and professor with more than 15 years of diverse professional, executive, and academic experience. His expertise and forte is in Human Capital Innovation through Agile Leadership Transformation and Organizational Development - specializing in Emotional Intelligence, Personality Type, and Strategic Talent Capacity Building.

John J. Rivera, PhD,


Director, Regional Center for Public Policy
Program Director, Master of Public Administration
Associate Professor of Public Administration
2020 Triton Awards - Faculty of the Year


Throughout Guam and the region Dr. Rivera has worked with a diverse array of companies from startup to global brands, federal, and public sector to nonprofits. He has a solid track record of proven success and a strong portfolio of professional credentials. His skill sets are complemented by some of the most prominent talent developmental assessments in the market today. He is Guam's first and only MBTI™ Master Practitioner and MBTI™ Certified Step III Practitioner. He is also an Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) Founding Practitioner and was among the first Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i) certified Guam practitioners. Other assessments include: FIRO® , JTB™, KGI® , MMTIC®, PMAI® , TIPS™, TKI® , and Strong®

The PATA Education Committee’s mission is to provide education and training opportunities to…

  • Build capacity in the hospitality and tourism industry in Micronesia
  • Promote destinations in Micronesia.
  • Advocate for sustainable local economies in Micronesia.
  • Create an information network of organizations and communities in Micronesia

For the rest of 2022 we will focus our education and training initiatives on a COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Series. This series will be offered in three parts.

  • August - Where Are We? - COVID Discussions. This two-hour virtual session will focus on COVID lessons learned from our members and partners, ending with a roundtable Q&A.
  • September - What Do We Need? This two-hour virtual session will be a discussion on identifying the current challenges that our region’s members and partners face.
  • November - How Can We Help? This third part in the series is where we will be brainstorming action items and strategies and how PATA-MIC can contribute toward shared progress and collaborations in addressing COVID challenges.

These action items and strategies identified will then drive the education and training agenda for PATA-MIC year 2023-2024.

We are inviting interested members to join our committee of trainers, educators, and facilitators by emailing [email protected].



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We are staying connected with everyone via all our online platforms. Continue to send us your updates and we will be happy to share.

Your PR Team,
Perdus & Lou

[email protected]
[email protected]