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Kaselehlie from the State of Pohnpei, FSM

Issue: #2 - August 2021
From our Islands


Destination Update RE: Border / Tourism Re-Opening

National level as of Jun 09, 2021
The Declaration of the Public Health Emergency extended to September 2021 and FSM remains COVID-19 free. About 37% of the Nations adult population is fully vaccinated or has other wise completed the COVID-19 vaccination regime and 40% of the Nations adult population has received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. There might be hope to open the borders if the Nation reaches the vaccination rate of 70%.

Pohnpei as of June 29, 2021 The number of people in Pohnpei that have received the first dose of the MODERNA COVID-19 vaccine is 18,553 or 89% of the acceptable population has received the first dose and 9,650 or 46% of the acceptable population has received the second dose and completed the series, this includes the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. The general public is advised, those who have not received the vaccine, to kindly visit public health or the local dispensary to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Update on Tourism:
The State is prioritizing the development of Nan Madol World Heritage Site.

Nan Madol World Heritage Site: Through the US State Department Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation Large Grant program, CSRM Foundation is overseeing the sustainable conservation of the site: managing the vegetation through the generous support of the US Forest Service, providing for interpretation of the site through exhibits at a new visitor center and guide training, and working with the Federated States of Micronesia and Pohnpei State to develop an organization for the management of Nan Madol. Watch this video to see how the LiDAR survey conducted by CSRM Foundation will be used to guide this work.
Pohnpei Surf Club: Some guests already shipping their surf boards for next season. “No set date for opening yet but closer for sure” said Allois. Contact PSC on face book for more information.









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Member Highlight

Caroline Islands Air Inc.

Taking CALEB home

Recently, Caroline Islands Air’s flight to Yap almost saw a cancellation. The flight was initially built to bring support from the National Taskforce. An important mission CIA was already committed to.
Two nights before the mission, CIA received a call that the health team was cancelling. Which was confirmed the next morning. A message that felt so uneasy for CIA’s pilots who always look forward to visiting friends and families they have made over the years as CIA pilots in Yap.
During this Pandemic the FSM borders closed and remains closed. There are however exceptions to those who are stuck but need to get home. These repatriated citizens and residents take an extra 7 days of quarantine in Pohnpei. For those that live in Pohnpei are fortunate as that is the end of their journey home. The rest depend on CIA to ensure they are taken home safely. CIA continues repatriate and/or transport citizens from state to state within the FSM.

Caleb and his mommy onboard CIA’s V604-FM

A good example of this is baby Caleb. Baby Caleb’s parents live in Yap with his 2 siblings. His father is the principal of the SDA school in Yap. One of the best schools in Yap. Caleb’s mom works as a teacher and the cook. Caleb’s mom visited Guam to address an ear infection. But during the Pandemic, Caleb’s mom had no choice but to have Caleb in Guam. Caleb has never seen his daddy or his siblings.
Caleb’s journey home was almost cancelled due to the cancellation of the health team. Along with the health team were a group of students from FMI wishing to take a head start to getting to Yap before school starts. Their trip was also cancelled due to some other challenges. In a normal situation, CIA would have cancelled the flight and recognize that these are not. CIA acknowledges that these are difficult times and will commit to ensuring citizens, family and friends stay connected hand in hand. There are wonderful things in this world.
CIA is committed to ensuring that whenever there is a possibility to help, we will help. We wish Caleb a safe journey home and wish him a healthy and prosperous life.





For more information about Caroline Islands Air Inc. please contact:
Bryan Mori
Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 2238
Kolonia Pohnpei FM 96941
Office: (691) 320-8406
Mobile: (691) 920-6674
[email protected]



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Perdus & Lou

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